Friday, January 4, 2008

Do you want to overcome your burnout?

Allright, allright, everybody is busy, very busy these days. The days go ever faster, the schedules grow ever fuller and every day you drive home with the idea that your work is even less finished than the day before. To solve this problem you decide to throw in a little overtime. It solves nothing and you start working later and later. The heaps of paper on your desk don't diminish and you find it a good idea to rise early, avoid the morning-traffic and put in extra time in the early hours. Your sleeping gets ever worse, you develop a quick temper and you forget even the simplest things. And then one morning you stop functioning. You can't get out of bed, you feel tired, tired and then again tired and you call the boss, notifying him that you need a break, just to rest. Burnout, overworked, just name it.

A terrible gap!
No end to be seen!
You never felt so bad before!

Your neighbours don't understand what you are doing around the house all of a sudden.
Your chief just wants you back.
Your doctor pulls his most concerned face and advises you to keep in touch with your company.

Have you come to this situation?
Don't you know how to continue?
Do you desperately want a solution?

Well, that solution is there. Just take the time and the rest you need to recover but... use that time and that rest also to fully realize for yourself what you have been doing to yourself and where you have to change as to never reach such a condition again.

Would that be possible?

Why, sure that is possible. Whoever learns the right lessons will pass through a recoveryprocess that in the end will prove to be much more than that. You will find yourself in a process of serious improvement. Overcoming your burnout will eventually bring you to leading a life much more rewarding than before. So it is not only recovery, but there will be a total improvement and readjustment. People who managed to fully overcome their burnout appear to be able to enjoy life better, make better decisions and can generally lead a more relaxed lifestyle